
Friday, June 6, 2008

Self-Directed Learning - Discover 7 Reasons Why Self-Directed Learning Will Bring You Freedom

If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness, for self-direction, and for self-initiated learning. Carl Rogers

More and more people around the globe are starting to pursue an independent modality of education. The Internet has made it possible. Now that we are in the Information Age, a good education is literally at the tips of our fingers. Only 10 or 20 years ago concepts like e-learning, distance learning, self study and informal learning were unthinkable of.

Nevertheless, independent ways of learning are as old as humankind.

And they are by far the most effective.


Because self-directed learning brings freedom!

Here are 7 reasons why:

1.- Freedom to engage in an area of your own choice rather than following a curriculum designed by another. Each one of us has a distinctive, God-given blend of talents and gifts that need to be exploited individually.

2.- Freedom to pick your mentor and enjoy one-on-one attention from him or her. This is the way kings were educated! Throughout history the tutorial education method has forged great men and women.

3.- Freedom to design your own schedule. Imagine yourself getting up in the morning. No running, no stress. You can sit in front of your computer in your pyjamas, sipping a cup of coffee while you study out your favorite subject!

4.- Freedom to delve into the subject of your choice with passion and joy. There are no limits as to what you can learn once you are enraptured with your own learning process. Education will never be boring again.

5.- Freedom to gain a level of excellence. After a season of studying and developing your skills and talents, you will be an expert and people will come to you for help.

6.- Freedom to pursue God's plan for your life. Have you ever wondered if that dream that comes to your mind every now and then, is really from God? Maybe it is time to seriously pursue it!

7.- Eventually self-directed learning will lead you to financial freedom. Your passion can become your career!

I'd like to invite you to go for it! Visit for tips and tools for creating and growing in your own learning process. Learn how to teach yourself in my FREE e-book: "The Power of Self-Directed Learning", and my FREE e-course: "Seven Steps to Consistently Change Your Life."

From Bettina Langerfeldt, who teaches people how to pursue their God-given gifts and talents by designing their own education with self-directed learning.

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What To Look For In DSL Service Providers

Thank goodness for the Internet! How did we ever get along without it? The answer to that is simple: very slowly. Over the last decade, the World Wide Web has evolved to provide more access to more people all over the planet. As with every global expansion, it has presented all kinds of business opportunities for those looking for a piece of virtual pie. With so many DSL service providers in competition, how do you know which one to chose?

You need to speak the lingo. There's a lot of jargon involved in technology. You have to understand what everything means so you can ask intelligent questions and make informed decisions. Part of what makes the process ridiculously complicated is that it's common for various terms to be used for the same technology or equipment. The word broadband refers to technology that allows more than one channel to transmit over a single wire, as opposed to dial-up which only lets on channel on the wire at a time. Sometimes this word is used interchangeably with DSL. A modem is a box that converts the signal, either digital or analog, into something your computer can understand. There are different kinds of modems with different features: broadband, cable, wireless and dial-up.

DSL stands for digital subscriber line, referring to the fact that it used a phone line to transfer digital data. Unlike ancient dial-up connections, DSL will allow digital information and voice waves to travel over the same phone line at the same time, so there's no need for the telephone to be tied up by the computer, and an intrusive phone call won't knock you offline. Telephones and computers can coexist peacefully in the same home. DSL will only work over a limited distance, so it may not be possible to get that kind of service in a small town or rural community. Before you get too deep into your research, you had better contact your phone company to make sure that DSL is available in your area.

Your phone company may suggest some possible DLS providers that are active where you live. Of course, the first thing most people look at is the price. The cost of service typically doesn't vary all that much. If you do stumble upon a provided that is significantly less than the others find out what's wrong with them. Do they not offer any kind of customer service? No help with installation? Remember, you usually get what you pay for.

Once you've got a short list, evaluate which ISPs or internet service providers they work with. Also, most companies will want you to sign an agreement or a contract. Very similar to what you would enter into with a cell phone company. Most people would rather shoot for a short (typically a minimum of one year) contract. That way your options are as open as possible and you won't be locked in for too long. However, if you're confident in your choice, there are usually discounts and other perks offered to those who sign on for longer.

You will most likely be some new equipment involved, usually a router (modem) and some software installation. Check to make sure if you are buying the equipment or renting it. Will someone be coming to your home to set things up, or will that be your responsibility? If you're not so techno savvy, look for a provider with 24-hour support. The deciding factor should be the amount of service and support you get for the price. You can visit to learn more about broadband internet.

Besides freeing up your telephone line, the biggest draw if DSL is speed. You want to ask about the rate of both downloads and uploads to help make your decision.

Kelly Hunter operates and writes about DSL Service Providers.

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What To Look For In DSL Service Providers

Thank goodness for the Internet! How did we ever get along without it? The answer to that is simple: very slowly. Over the last decade, the World Wide Web has evolved to provide more access to more people all over the planet. As with every global expansion, it has presented all kinds of business opportunities for those looking for a piece of virtual pie. With so many DSL service providers in competition, how do you know which one to chose?

You need to speak the lingo. There's a lot of jargon involved in technology. You have to understand what everything means so you can ask intelligent questions and make informed decisions. Part of what makes the process ridiculously complicated is that it's common for various terms to be used for the same technology or equipment. The word broadband refers to technology that allows more than one channel to transmit over a single wire, as opposed to dial-up which only lets on channel on the wire at a time. Sometimes this word is used interchangeably with DSL. A modem is a box that converts the signal, either digital or analog, into something your computer can understand. There are different kinds of modems with different features: broadband, cable, wireless and dial-up.

DSL stands for digital subscriber line, referring to the fact that it used a phone line to transfer digital data. Unlike ancient dial-up connections, DSL will allow digital information and voice waves to travel over the same phone line at the same time, so there's no need for the telephone to be tied up by the computer, and an intrusive phone call won't knock you offline. Telephones and computers can coexist peacefully in the same home. DSL will only work over a limited distance, so it may not be possible to get that kind of service in a small town or rural community. Before you get too deep into your research, you had better contact your phone company to make sure that DSL is available in your area.

Your phone company may suggest some possible DLS providers that are active where you live. Of course, the first thing most people look at is the price. The cost of service typically doesn't vary all that much. If you do stumble upon a provided that is significantly less than the others find out what's wrong with them. Do they not offer any kind of customer service? No help with installation? Remember, you usually get what you pay for.

Once you've got a short list, evaluate which ISPs or internet service providers they work with. Also, most companies will want you to sign an agreement or a contract. Very similar to what you would enter into with a cell phone company. Most people would rather shoot for a short (typically a minimum of one year) contract. That way your options are as open as possible and you won't be locked in for too long. However, if you're confident in your choice, there are usually discounts and other perks offered to those who sign on for longer.

You will most likely be some new equipment involved, usually a router (modem) and some software installation. Check to make sure if you are buying the equipment or renting it. Will someone be coming to your home to set things up, or will that be your responsibility? If you're not so techno savvy, look for a provider with 24-hour support. The deciding factor should be the amount of service and support you get for the price. You can visit to learn more about broadband internet.

Besides freeing up your telephone line, the biggest draw if DSL is speed. You want to ask about the rate of both downloads and uploads to help make your decision.

Kelly Hunter operates and writes about DSL Service Providers.

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