
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Self-Directed Learning - Discover 7 Reasons Why Self-Directed Learning Will Bring You Freedom

If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness, for self-direction, and for self-initiated learning. Carl Rogers

More and more people around the globe are starting to pursue an independent modality of education. The Internet has made it possible. Now that we are in the Information Age, a good education is literally at the tips of our fingers. Only 10 or 20 years ago concepts like e-learning, distance learning, self study and informal learning were unthinkable of.

Nevertheless, independent ways of learning are as old as humankind.

And they are by far the most effective.


Because self-directed learning brings freedom!

Here are 7 reasons why:

1.- Freedom to engage in an area of your own choice rather than following a curriculum designed by another. Each one of us has a distinctive, God-given blend of talents and gifts that need to be exploited individually.

2.- Freedom to pick your mentor and enjoy one-on-one attention from him or her. This is the way kings were educated! Throughout history the tutorial education method has forged great men and women.

3.- Freedom to design your own schedule. Imagine yourself getting up in the morning. No running, no stress. You can sit in front of your computer in your pyjamas, sipping a cup of coffee while you study out your favorite subject!

4.- Freedom to delve into the subject of your choice with passion and joy. There are no limits as to what you can learn once you are enraptured with your own learning process. Education will never be boring again.

5.- Freedom to gain a level of excellence. After a season of studying and developing your skills and talents, you will be an expert and people will come to you for help.

6.- Freedom to pursue God's plan for your life. Have you ever wondered if that dream that comes to your mind every now and then, is really from God? Maybe it is time to seriously pursue it!

7.- Eventually self-directed learning will lead you to financial freedom. Your passion can become your career!

I'd like to invite you to go for it! Visit for tips and tools for creating and growing in your own learning process. Learn how to teach yourself in my FREE e-book: "The Power of Self-Directed Learning", and my FREE e-course: "Seven Steps to Consistently Change Your Life."

From Bettina Langerfeldt, who teaches people how to pursue their God-given gifts and talents by designing their own education with self-directed learning.

2008 Freedompioneer

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What's The Difference Between Frame Relay, Private Line, & A Point-To-Point T1?

How is "an expensive frame relay type service to the internet" different than a "less expensive plain T1 to the internet"....AND how are either of these different from a private line or point-to-point T1?

Here's my opinion......

Don't worry about the technology difference between frame relay and a plain T1....or either of these and a private line or point to point T1.

A frame T1 runs at just about the same speed as a point to point T1. Much more important to worry about is what's on the other end of the circuit. If the other end of the circuit is the internet backbone, and you have 1.5M throughput to the backbone, then that's a "dedicated" connection, the best grade of service you can get. If the other end of the circuit is to a carrier's serving office, or DSLAM, or aggregation point, then the 1.5M throughput is to their equipment, not to the internet backbone, and you have a "shared" connection. A shared connection means that your provider has arranged for a bulk internet connection from a larger carrier and it splits some out for you -- but rarely do they split out your bandwidth only for you.

For example a shared provider might buy a wholesale DS-3 from Global Crossing. A DS-3 is the equivalent of 28 T1 circuits. The shared ISP would try to have many customers sharing that T1 circuit, much more than 28 customers -- that's how they make money.

Same thing with phone systems -- you might have twenty extension phones in your office, but only 5 phone lines with the phone company. This recognizes that not all users need to use the phone at the same time.

In the internet world, shared ISPs are betting that not all customers need their full bandwidth at the same time. If a shared provider pays $6000 per month for a DS-3, and sells T1s for $300/month, they break even at 20 customers. ISPs will oversell their bandwidth because not all customers need their full bandwidth at all times. If you've been reading this message for the past 15 seconds, and your PC is doing nothing else, you haven't used your bandwidth for the past now 20 seconds.

Now.....if you need the internet circuit for email, and looking at web pages, and research, a shared T1 connection is fine. But if you're running time sensitive or bandwidth hogging applications like hosting a website at your location, or if you're running VOIP applications, or streaming audio or video, or controlling machinery remotely ... then a shared T1 connection will be a big PIA (pain in the *&!) at some point during the month when the other customers will be sucking up all the bandwidth leaving you with less than you are paying for.

So don't worry about the technology of the access circuit, worry about what's on the other end. If you can get away with a shared T1 connection, you'll save some loot. If you have critical applications, then your life will be filled with drama until you get a dedicated T1 connection.

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including and Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

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